Sometimes, he feels like throwing an entire bottle down his gullet.
He doesn't seem scared or terrified, like he was the first time.
Now, he was familiar with the process,
He was aware of how it works.
How It somewhat slows down his whole system,
the breathlessness, the heaviness, the restlessness - he always wanted to get rid of them!
He now knew how it settles his troubling mind.
How it makes reality a better place not to live.
So he took a full - deep breath.
With the easing breath,
he felt it entering his blood
and travelling through his synapses,
it reaches his heart.
He could sense it getting into his lungs and finally his brain, the ultimate target.
He may have begun hallucinating now.
Is he? Already?
There comes the extreme drowsiness, nausea,
making him feel at ease and happier and so much lighter.
That's what he longed and ached for -
the limit languor, the sickness.
A complete state of euphoria!!
Is he asleep? His eyes are closed, though. Is anything even real anymore?
Seeing and hearing things that don’t exist
talking about things that do not make sense.
Everything goes dark,
He's covered in his own vomit.
He wanted to live,
but he might not.
For all I know, He was sinking and all he wanted was an escape.
Skin pierced, veins penetrated, water splashed
But his body starts rejecting his dear life
time's up.
It worked. Half a bottle didn't go in vain!!
He had a reason, there's always a reason underneath.
Feeling heart break for the first time?
A broken friendship?
A broken love?
failed marriage??
Toxic parents?
What's been chewing you inside?
you tell me, what brings you here?
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