Sunday, 21 March 2021

Life as you like it.


It feels like like getting what you have always wished and realizing you have been wanting the wrong thing all throughout. 

It is a mixed feeling. 

I am happy yet my throat stifles each time I attempt to chuckle a bit.

And when I am sad, I need to sob hysterically yet my tears won’t fall that easily. 

I have a feeling that I am reviled and that I am cursed, a curse that I, no matter what in life, would always be sad and would consistently be pitiful. 

I cannot think of a worse curse than being dismal for a lifetime. 

I mean, life is the only thing that is in any way important right. 

But what’s the use of a life, where you can't appreciate and praise the little triumphs, little joys and the feeling of being alive.

I am definitely cursed.

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